

It all started with melodies and love stories,
We danced and sang our favorite songs, leaving no space for sadness.
The clock started ticking, our hearts started bleeding with intense pain,
Covid became headlines on our TV screen, leaving us to grieve.
Fear took over our bodies like smoke in ghettos, our eyes were red.

The ball kept rolling as people started dropping like dry leaves,
Nightmare kissed our cheeks, leaving us to be frightened about the next day.
Our inbox and news feeds were ways of spreading death news, leaving one breathless.
Burials were our daily bread as birthdays became trash.
A year packaged with calamities and distress, we danced to every sound.

Trying to be normal, fake love and promises slapped our face badly,
As breakup and unfriendly characters became our dictions.
Grinding voices were heard as remorseful faces were pity.
Friendships became based on self-interest and wealth.
A year full of lies and pains, we swallowed every piece of it.

Looking West and East, our eyes bleed tears of agony,
Our heart keepers and smile givers are nowhere to be found,
Their ghosts move during the night to hear our sorrowful songs causing them to be blamed.
A year that was full of brightness, but hidden darkness in our hearts and homes,
We light up our lights to kick it out, the time has reach for it to be executed,
Goodbye ungrateful and heartless 2021, your deadly and wicked deeds are over.
© Lyrical J