

✉️ Letter 💌
knock on door .
ring of bell .
sound of wheels.
and those waiting eyes ,
the khakee uniform
who captures many Storm
inside his bag with countless informs .
message from love
message of dream
blessings from parents
adore from kids .
The lady behind curtain waiting for mother's leave
to ask postman is there any message for her or gift.
which not only messages but lines like connectors
from heart to heaven.
those motion less tears ,
and unnoticed smiles .
never fake like today's" I love you texts ".
no one had known ,which can be last
but all were giving their best to know what's next .... what's next....🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Wife of warrior ,
waited near window's corner whole day .
to get one paper 📜 💌
in which words are superior, to live somedays without any fear :)
no one have ever estimated how much time she read that paper ,
without delay a comma and alphabets .
time traveled ,
but feelings left same ,
now it's running from door to door not as letter
but as fear , not to ruin natural pacemaker.

© lisa