

Crafted by Grace
God created him with care and grace,
A soul so kind, in this vast space.
He loves, and love returns his way,
He helps, and help comes every day.

He cares without a need to ask,
In understanding, he’s unsurpassed.
How can such a heart exist,
In a world so often missed?

He is crafted by grace, but he’s human in the end,
With emotions just like mine to tend.
He cries while he tries, and stumbles too,
Yet always rises, his strength renewed.

Through all his struggles, he keeps me going,
Making me wonder, while love keeps flowing.
How can such a heart exist?
How can he, through pain, persist?

Questions echo in my mind,
A soul like his is hard to find.
But fate was kind, it let me see,
His whispered words, “You’re loved by me.”

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