

Hollow Shell
A hollow shell, where laughter once did ring,
Now echoes with the whispers of despair.
A mind consumed by shadows, taking wing,
Leaving behind a void, a burden to bear.

The mirror shows a stranger, thin and frail,
A reflection of the battles fought inside,
Ecah passing day, a struggle to prevail,
Against the darkness that refuses to subside.

Anxiety a serpent coiled and tight,
Constricting breath, a suffocating hold.
It whispers doubts, both day and through the night,
Leaving hope to wither cold and old.

Anorexia, a cruel and silent enemy,
A hunger for control, a need to be thin.
It whispers lies, each calorie a sorrow,
A twisted image trapped within.

But in the depths, a flicker of a spark,
A yearning for the light, a desperate plea.
To break free from the chains, to leave the dark,
To find the strength to finally be free.

For even in the shadows, hope resides,
A tiny seed, waiting to be grown.
With courge, love, and time, it will be prized,
And blossom in the sunlight, all on its own.

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