

Train Wreck Of Your Love
Threw out old boxes,
Regrets and photographs,
Empty pockets and lockets,
And your memories, your holographs.

But how do I ever get rid of the times we spent together;
Your words, your peoms with my name as their headers?
How do I ever let go of the love you made me feel for myself?
How do I undo all the feelings I have never even felt?

Cause on somedays, moving on comes like the worst seats on a train,
With windows far away, no sight of what comes next,
And stuffed in between people telling you it's going to be okay,
On days, you don't even know where the train is headed.

Yet you still board it, every single time, for staying on the same station gives too much pain,
But there are also days you let it hit you with all it's force,
And break all the walls of courage you had built with bricks of the same pain,
Only to rebuild them but this time with a door to let in the people who still love you all the same.

© pandawithglasses