

The Dance of Shadows and Light
The Dance of Shadows and Light

In the quiet corners of a trembling heart,
Where whispers of the world weave their intricate art,
A question lingers, heavy as the night:
How does a part of the world leave the world, out of sight?

Like a leaf that drifts from its mother tree,
Caught in the currents of fate’s wild decree,
It spirals downward, kissed by the breeze,
Yet how can such beauty cease to be with ease?

How can wetness leave water, you ask,
When every drop is a story, a task?
Each ripple a memory, each wave a sigh,
Yet even the ocean must bid its goodbye.

Don’t try to put out a fire with more flame;
This dance of destruction is never the same.
For embers that flicker in darkness and dread
Can ignite new beginnings where hope dares to tread.

Don't wash a wound with blood; let it bleed.
For healing is born from acknowledging need.
The scars we carry are maps to our souls,
Reminders that life has its tumultuous roles.

No matter how fast you run from your past,
Your shadow keeps pace; it’s built to last.
Sometimes it looms large or darts in ahead,
A constant companion in paths that we tread.

Only full, overhead sun can diminish that shade,
But beneath its warm glow, new paths are laid.
The light reveals truths that shadows obscure—
In acceptance and love lies the only pure cure.

Yet that very shadow has served you well;
In moments of silence, in times when you fell.
What hurts you may bless you—a paradox true—
For darkness is fuel for the fire within you.

Your boundaries are quests on this journey profound;
Each limit you push shapes the ground where you're found.
From valleys of sorrow to peaks kissed by light,
Every step taken leads to your own inner fight.

So embrace all your shadows; they’re part of your song,
The melodies mixed in where right mingles wrong.
For how does a part of the world leave the whole?
With grace and with purpose—it’s all part of the soul.

And as wetness leaves water to form into rain,
So too do we learn to let go of our pain.
In cycles unbroken, we rise and we fall—
To love is to live; it’s the greatest quest of all.
© etechnocrats