

In my prose poetic voice.
I thought for a focused endless while..

About the approach I'd take with regards to character, plot, setting, theme and style..

For those five elements stand as the backbone to prose poetic poetry and it spurred me down a spiral..

For how can I create a profound moving prose piece wen it seems the only time I spend writing any skilled prose speech..

Is wen I'm tucked in my bed viewing and counting sheep..

Oh for goodness sake the task at hand is prose poetry though the obstacle to write as such appears too steep..

So ensued the following week where I thought my allie could be found if I conjured up thoughts exceptionally deep..

Though my attempts had nothing spring to my mind and my options now looked bleak..

That was until the moment I did some research on prose as a whole and unearthed many detailing sheets..

I started with character and this one represents who, for who is the subject in the passage that most emerges for you..

Then there is plot and this cunning feature serves it's purpose by stating what..

Next now comes setting and it is the where aswel as the wen an important part in that without it the piece shall lack a lyrical meshing..

Through the course of constructing a profound prose piece there's now the why, where the third factor here is theme and this design point brings purpose like poinient writing bricks and beams..

Lastly now at the end of my research I found the truth in one informative vial, that is where we consider the how whilst forming the pieces style..

All those detailed five elements had inspired me fully and I then made my choice..

To write my piece..

..In my prose poetic voice..