

As of December 22, 2019, over 7,860 fires have been recorded according to Cal Fire and the US Forest Service, totaling an estimated of 259,823 acres (105,147 hectares) of burned land.

Come on boot your boots on Mr. Fireman let’s put this fire out.
This fire been burning it’s getting out of control
It’s been a fire burning and it been burning for awhile now. I don’t know how it started but it’s getting out of control now
This fire is burning up in my heart
Consoling my organs hard to breath
Hard to speak.
Come on Mr. Fireman put on your boots it’s this fire that’s been burning and it needs to be put out.
It’s getting out of control and I didn’t know where else to go.
It’s here in my heart it’s been burning for sometime now it aches and burns I’m exhausted from the flames burning filling up my lungs.
It wants me to pack up, leave and go home.
Come help me get out of here cause this fire is spreading burning inside
© niamnoble