

Diversity in Women
We all look so unique,
We all look like art,
We all look too hideous to be society's most favoured people,
But we are always at the centre of an art gallery museum.
We are divergent,
We are disparate.
With our long droopy nose,
Our bulbous tip.
Thick bushy eyebrows
that make people sick.
Hair that never stops increasing,
And makes us feel so manly.
But also remember we are woman in the kitchen, who have to serve our family.

Society has kicked us out,
Art has lured us in,
We are only beautiful in art - they say.
Because the artist has a way for us to fit in.

They cover our texture,
They spend time on our nose.
We are so trapped in this picture,
Seen as a changing rose.
So alienated,
So "desperate" to fit in,
"We are more than that!"
But they'd throw us out in an instant,
If we were ever presented as a painting in their dining room.

She is so well known for her diverse feautures,
But no words comes out of site to teach her,
That she is much more than art,
And no artist can tell her,
That she is just a painting.
Society is an illusion,
But she?
She come in reality,
Diversity spreads within us like runny glue,
You may never see that in a picture,
But our ancestors have all seen this through.
© Mariyam Fatima