

I was small in 8th and 9th,
And hated science but no one liked.

When I used to read,
I felt I am seeing cricket.
And the batter has thrown the ball,
Above my head.

He got a six,
But I could not understand anything.

The thing is that,
Why scientists took birth?
If they hadn't,
I would be saved from science.

I looked at the lesson " Gravitation " ,
Seeing that I slept for a hour.

In my sleep came Newton,
With some other scientist renowned.
They told me we were same as you,
Cheating science whenever we go through.

They also didn't know " what is science ",
And a apple fallen from a tree,
Told them science.

Science is nothing and not needed to learn,
Just a " why" is to be answered to every question.

They gave me some tips to go with,
And from then......
Science was the most easy subject,
That I heard ever.

- sejal kamble.
© sejal kamble