

Every could has a silver line..🖤💫

Remembering the story..
That lays behind each line,
I hate to admit the thing...
Alive but somewhere dead,
Stabbing of time..
Killed the character I used to be,
Sea of emotions..
Drowning everyday with,
Kinda worst nightmare it is..
Wake up into a hell..
And afraid of surviving it,
Tracing of unconscious hours..
Changing the direction of suffocating line,
Be patient,
I'm trying to do my best..
Being normal is too hard..
when you're getting no rest,
Mind wanders far and take me away..
I may seem present..
But often absent each day..
Worries and troubles that torments away..
Playing a game of maze..
As a hearty display,
False sense of security..
Pleasure of escaping the reality..
Season of endless rain...
Drowns me away to it's unsloved game,
Remembering the story..
That lays behind each line..⚘

Every cloud has a silver line..🖤💫

© piece to shine