

I'm Am Me, And I Am Special
I am me, and I am special
I might not be the same as everyone else,
But just like you I am beautiful
You shame me for my height or my body size
But I am made the way I was
I might not go out, but that’s not me,
When I do, I’m judged
I might not be as pretty or as smart as you, but

I am me, and I am special
I come to school, hiding in hoodies, because I don’t feel safe
Because I walk outside and am immediately hit with judgment
Even at home, I am judged
I am made to feel ashamed of my body by my own family
My friends make fun of me, for being “too short” or “too skinny”
And I laugh with them, but on the inside; I am crying
I might be different, but

I am me, and I am special
I bring in a happiness to my friends, then they leave
I make sure I know everyone around me looks happy
Because no one needs to feel that way
No one needs to feel that they need to change for someone else
But I do,
I feel the need to change for you
But I shouldn’t, because
I am me, and I am special

© AryaPeterson