

Mamma I Miss U
Years passed without seeing u Mom
Memories fresh as yesterday,today
pain of parting from u
Never receded.

Those little moments,time
Days, years spent with you
fresh as a flower in my mind
Gives a smile on my face.

The warmth of ur love
I miss every second in my life
Life was so beautiful with u
Suddenly ...Life has taken a turn
All gone n dark.

My Mother vanished in thin Air
Her Journey Began
From Earth To Heaven.

I kept looking, crying,
Holding her cold silent face
in my hands.

I scramed & screamed
For you GOD..?...
Begged, Cried ,Begged
Please, give my Mother back
U Are The Maker Of Universe
U can do .........
U can make her alive again.

GOD ..dint listen..
I kept crying till my mother
went from home to a different
From Earth To Heaven !
Still today my tears have not dried
Nor will dry till am alive...

I Close My Eyes
I See A Road To Heaven
Happy to see her again
I Ran Breathless to hold her hand
Miles and Miles i ran.

Far Above in the mist of Clouds
I See her Smiling Face
I Ran to hold her hand
But couldnt..
She was like ANGLES LIGHT
U See but cant touch.

I became cold with tears
My Dream Broke
My Face wet ..
A Question ? I kept asking GOD
Till am alive.
Why have you taken my Mother
So soon in live..
Mamma I Miss U
Every Second Of My Life.❤
© kaira khan