

Grey And Black And White
Separate the colors
The spectrum becoming iridescent
Ascend to the mountain peak
A sound of victory
Descend to the valley ‘neath
A mourning for no morning
A silhouette embracing
A spark in a dark heart
The sun casts shadows
When it rises and sets
Sound in step with the ocean
As it slips beneath
Another day that brings both blessing and grief
We destroyed and we descend
Into pitch black night
A familiar silence
An empty quiet
This progression is a regression
Sanitize the violent
Promote coexistence
Absolutes won’t bow to subjectivity
You’ll have to kill me
As a seed dies
The plant starts its life
Virus in the system
Corrupt and Destroy
War will come, an inevitability
The sea will take back what belongs
The mountains will be made low
Watch as the world crumbles
Sometimes I can’t wait for the end
Is your hope in death
Is your hope in a fulfillment
That won’t leave you satisfied
Always searching for more
Always searching for satisfaction
But you won’t and you don’t surrender
To the man who hung upon the middle cross
Took the weight of sin upon himself
And bridged the gap between God and man
He is waiting with open arms
A death to die
A life to live
It’s come time to choose
Life or death
Draws closer with every breath
© MattDyver