

Lust for eternity !
I dream of you,
Ever time, every second of my life.

Every breath I take, reminds me of you
Every picture I draw, you dwell in
Every song I listen to, gives me a movie about us
Every portrait l look at, feels like we are communicating
Every movement of yours urge me to own you
Every smile of yours give me hope to live bright

The way you look at me reminds me that I am beautiful
The way you admire me reminds me that I am worthy
The way you touch me reminds me that I am not numb to feelings
The way you talk to me reminds me that I am quite a good listener

You love when I sniff your body
You love when I ruffle your hair,
You love when I massage your cheeks
You love when I kiss your eyes
You love when I poke your dimples

We dream of getting together
We dream of having a life together
We dream of building ourselves together
We dream of embarking adventures together
We dream, we dream and we dream,
hoping that some day we would make all those dreams our lives.

But thanks to you,
for letting me know that;
all dreams are not made to be real...

and also thanks for teaching me that;in the process of letting go of our dreams ,
One may lose valuable possessions.

But I ,in the process, lost a possession,
that once carried my pride and respect.