

Read with Me
why have you begun to read?
what is it you wish to achieve?
how in this reading can we both find a way to succeed? continue to read?
surprising yourself now
the reward is in the note
or do you read to ignore the k ife against your throat?
are you distracted?
is this scripture of wisdom the delight to your abundant desire to achieve neuroplasticity
how is it in writing this I am just in a moment of time with you as such
but I don't ask you to continue on I an a man who trues to never ask for to much
are you the same ? I'll spiritually feel the eyes that peer through shaded windows into your dark soul
so.etimes we all need to understa.d its we and always we and never will I say nevermind and if so to Devine then there will be endless mysteries to solve and relics to define. from me to you to Mr, misses, or whomever swoon
I'll be on this same planet possibly reading from you, something new something true maybe an artist will admire what all artist do
which is create
I appreciate you and am glad to share this, the histories of the world with you eternally and sincerely yours
from the pits of my ever unfortunate loathsome woe