

Material girl
Boys come and go,
They're just like seasons.
They want beautiful girls,
With perfect bodies.
Makes yourself hideous and,
See how he disappears.
So why can't I point out my liking.
I want a man with money,
Who'll shower me with gifts,
And take me on dates.
Buy me roses,
And a golden yacht.
Boys want so much but,
Say I'm a material girl.
But we are living in a material world.
My girl should be like this,
And like that.
They all throw their views but I can't.
I want a man who will take me travelling.
One who will buy me a bouquet of flowers,
And a golden palace.
So many times I've been hurt in the battles of love.
Why should your get my heart broken by a broke man.
He don't feed you nothing but lies,
Yet you crying for him
You should be crying over someone who contributed to your life.
This is a material.world,
And I am a mateial girl.
Boys want so much but,
Say I'm a material girl.
But this is a material world.

© Mine Vitan