

Locked Inside
I'm locked inside a cage
It has a lock that requires picking
I hope I make it out alive
The time bomb started ticking
Time will wait for no one
And it left me far behind
But nothing happens by mistake my friend
It's part of Gods design
Alone I lay awake at night
My thoughts seem like they're screaming
I was stuck in a living nightmare
It was Hell, I wasn't dreaming
I can't escape my broken past
Surrounded by my demons
And I'm trying to forgive myself
But it's hard to find the reasons
Losing everyone I love
My heart is cold and freezing
I went and lost my kingdom
Because I stayed commiting treason
A fear that I can't get it right
The Devil's always talking
And even though the road is dark
I still continue walking
The questions that I ask in life
I'm looking for some answers
I'm singing to a different tune
The shadows are my dancers
Addiction is a brain disease
It's deadly just like cancer
I need the next connecting bus
But I don't have a transfer
A dark night of the soul
Thank God it's still intact
The Devil thought he owned my soul
But then I took it back
I had to fall and lose it all
My train went off the track
And without the pain I wouldn't grow that is just a fact
Some people have to go through Hell
So they can see the light
Even though my heart is broke
I won't give up the fight
Sometimes I gotta say I'm wrong
Even when I'm right
I'm holding on with all I got
My knuckles are turning white
If you are chosen in this life
you face the tuffest battles
The ink is my electric shock
The pen becomes my paddles
Now it saved me from a flatline
because I finally have a purpose
Now I don't hide the pain inside
I bring it to the surface
To tell you how I feel inside
Is more than just a gift
And everytime I help someone
My spirit starts to lift
© 2023 Stephen George