

Light the lamps for the king returns,
Victorious and valiant,
In an eternal battle with,
A ten headed enemy,
He fought a war,
Alone he was,
With fiece courage,
He went to battle,
Unsure if he could win,
The crouwd cheered him,
Now no one noticed the bleeding king,
He has been slaughtered but alive,
He bleeded in pains,
As the people counted how many the king beheaded,
Attend to the bleeding king a voice shouted from afar,
He survived from the lonely forest,
He can make it to his chamber the people said,
There was dead silence as the brave king fell on his kneels,
All i needed, was a helping hand to lead me to my chamber, said the king,
Brave i am, strong i am,
I have walked many miles to get here,
But i do need a helping hand to take me to my chamber...
© ©Hills