

What a Lovely Family!
First comes the father, the mighty beast
He plays football in my head with a metal ball
bouncing against the walls so hard
Makes me feel like blasting mines & grenades
He's probably a coach, a strict one though
Then goes on jogging around my eyes
Next Comes the mother, a pretty bad cook
As I tell you she burns food every time
Setting fire inside my mind, heating up it all
Then she grabs a hammer with an edge
Throbbing it against every corner of my brain
May be looking for an escape to let out the lava
And not to forget their little champ
Ahh! he's the little devil in disguise
One minute he's gone, the next he comes back
Jumping inside my head as I sit or stand
Running around from one corner to another
for which he does earn a proper scolding
Last but not the least, the spoiled princess
who's more like a cruel witch experimenting there
With all her her potions boiling inside
She fills me with a nauseating aura
Then goes on peircing my head with nails
Her evil laughter echoes in every part
You still don't know what is the worse
Getting them all at the family dinner
The little get together of the headaches
What a lovely family !, you say it is

© Syed Muhayir

•Another scribble