

In shadows deep, a love confined,
One heart embraced, the other blind.
A one-sided dance, a tender plight,
Yet love persisted, fierce and bright.

In workday travels, messages sent,
A silent hope, a heart content.
The Holy Grail, in words conveyed,
A love unspoken, yet undisplayed.

Your gaze, a maze of endless night,
I drowned within, a sweet respite.
Black orbs that held a distant grace,
A love unreturned, a lingering trace.

Surrounded by denial's embrace,
Yet, unwilling to end this cherished space.
For in your world, imperfect and rare,
I found the courage, the will to care.

Love's surprise, a twist in fate,
A journey traveled, albeit weight.
Big, black eyes that held the key,
To a love that wasn't meant to be.

Gladly, I gave you the world entire,
In the face of a love that wouldn't transpire.
Imperfections adorned, beauty untold,
A tale of love, a story to be told.

For loving you, despite the lack,
A bittersweet journey, no turning back.
In unreturned echoes, my heart did sing,
I loved you deeply, under love's cruel wing.
© Yogen