

The Button.
I wanted to press the botton
The botton to make it happen
The button to make her go away
The button to stop her
To stop her from contacting me
The button that would make me feel happy again
After only a month
After unblocking her
I want to again
With all my heart
With all my soul
But i cant
Theres this one little part of me
That still loves her
Not in the way i used to
But different
When i had clicked the button last time
I missed our conversations we had
I missed the movies we watched
I missed our late night phone calls
But i still got the courage
The courage to click the button
To make you go away
To stop you from contacting me
The button that made me feel happy
But I can't this time
I don't know why
Theres this little part of me
That wont let me.

© ez