

Faith (God and Love)
Everytime I used to bow before you, My Lord!
But never bowed my soul, My Lord!

I remained in greed and worldly desires!
Burnt my Heart in dark fires!

Still I am saying, I am hopeful!
But this despair is very awful!

Give me one chance to change my fate!
To understand God, love and Faith!

Bowing soul before you!
And crying to need you!

Both are Faith and love!
All pains and doubt When shove!
Then it's called Faith and love!

Faith is To love your God!
By embracing the way to reach your Lord!

But now a days Love is on stake!
It's considered to worldly desires that are fake!

Faith is to be content and sacrifice yourself!
Before the will of God,
But today we erode our self!
And blame our Lord!

The time when we will start to Love Him!
We will refuse everything and go towards Him!
The world made above!
Is Faith, God and Love!

© Aruwrites