

My Imperfection.
Some things...
they make me sad.

Some things,
they make me want to cry.

Some things,
they depress me
until I can't think.

Some things
I can't help.

Some People,
they make me sad.

Some People,
they make me want to cry.

Some People,
they depress me
until I can't think.

Some People
I can't help.

I wish I could express

the reasons behind
why I feel this way.

the things that created
the person I am today.

I am imperfect
and imperfection is all I can see in me
But not in others...
that's how I think everyone sees me.

Everyone sees me as....

As the girl
who runs her mouth.
Who flirts with every guy
and who runs home
when things go south.

As the girl
who wants to fight the world
but can't keep her head on straight
enough to pass her classes,
or get A's.

As the girl
who talks big
but is really, truly, scared
to let anyone in.

As the girl
is completely, totally imperfect
can't seem to appreciate
the good, fullness of the world
she lives in.

She is...

to explore
even though she calls herself an adventurer.

to love
even though she says she loves freely.

to share her story
even though
her story
might be all she has left.

© WyldChyld