

If you are a man.
If you are a man that has not yet found the God within,
If you are looking for someone to mother and heal you while you make no attempt to heal yourself,
Don't come at me.
Just don't.

I have been damaged by broken men,
And no man even so much as held my hand, while I put all the broken pieces,
Back together again.
But every shadow holds a gift,
And the gift is this;
I know my worth now.

So if you are a man that has not yet found the God within,
Perhaps you should start your journey there,
Because there is nothing you could ever offer me to make me dim my shine,
or hold myself back,
or keep my words buried so your fragile ego can insult us both,
oh no, never again.

I am not seeking union as a step,
I am not seeking protection,
I am not seeking wealth that is not mine,
I am not seeking motherhood to feel like a woman..
I know who I am.
And these are trappings that do not interest me.

I only accept that which is equal.
That which is already balanced.
That which complements me and multiplies my existing power.

So unless you are a man that has found the God within,
the divine masculine,
the warrior,
the hero that conquered his own demons as I have mine,
Don't come at me.
Just don't.

© Leila Rose