

Winter Thirsts
Earth awakes,again a lazy morning.
Air of mist flies, freezing blood to clot.
Awake at the fourth hour, longing love with bed.
Aromatic, boosting,loving, thats what is needed.
Nothing now, but continuing calls
Walked, skated,I showed myself
to the chilled earth.
Stirred my sleeping bike to life.
Fast ride and crouching nerves,
The cows at my sight, moed with love,
I milked and took them for the morning graze.
The sky covered with snowy fleece blanket,
Dew on leaf blades kissed my feet
With their icy cold lips filled with life.
Even at six, sun played hide and seek with earth,
The Earth, a shy lass beneath magical veil.
Slower and slower he showed, his bright face,
To shower his gifts to the frozen earth.
I wish the sun to lay in palms
for the blood to flow again.
The plants rose for a warm day and Earth Rejoiced.

© manjupriya❣️