

The Grit Man
Christmas season, I made a choice
To help some of those in need.
So I found a food shelter
And volunteered to proceed.

Breakfast was to be served inside,
I arrived early that day.
My job was to serve the grits,
Heating on the breakfast buffet.

The line formed out the door
As aroma filled the room.
I was anxious to start serving.
After a prayer, serving resumed.

I was not a believer,
But I put up with the prayer.
I was certainly a tolerable man
Who treated all people square.

Serving grits felt good to me,
I served them every time.
Soon, I was known as the grit man,
Grit man, that was just fine.

Easter was just around the bend
Me, the grit man serving up grits
Walter getting his grits as always,
Hey grit man, can I have a little bit.

Hey Walt, how do you like your grits?
Hot is good enough.
Thank God for the grit man.
I smirked as I served 'em up.

Whats up grit man, what'd I say?
Nothing Walt, here have some more.
Sure grit man, God shines on me.
I'm here alone, I said with vigour.

Easter Sunday, breakfast served.
Walt was first in line.
Hey grit man, happy Easter
Hey Walt, come to dine?

I didn't want to be untruthful,
But God does not exist.
Just let him have his Easter,
Walt has so little to subsist.

I walked down the street,
Homeless perched everywhere.
Stinking, soiled with desperate eyes,
I tried not to look or stare.

Then I heard "hey Grit Man, it's Walt"
Glad to see you twice today.
I wanted to respond, but did not.
I walked more quickly, to escape.

Next day, I was serving grits.
"Hey grit man", Walt said.
Shouted at you yesterday, you didn't stop.
Sorry Walt, your voice, I must have misread.

No big, what's for breakfast, ha ha
Same as my name, hot and filling
Hook me up Grit Man.
May God bless you, God willing

Walt, I'm not a believer, not in God.
I hope you understand,
But I just have to ask,
What has God done for you, firsthand?

Walt just got his grits and moved on
He didn't try to cause a riot.
As he slowly moved down the line
I stood wishing I had remained quiet.

I needed to make it right,
I left to talk to Walt.
He was stirring in his grits,
And looked up for the salt.

Sorry, Walt, I had no right,
I hope we can still be friends.
I hurt your feelings, not good.
If you don't forgive me, I understand.

Grit man, grit man, let me say,
I'm sad and full of pain.
You need to know I care for you,
Your words gave me no shame.

I know, grit man, your heart is good,
I know you are ready to understand.
The answer to the question you asked,
What God has done for me firsthand.

He loves me, he knows me, he warms my heart
And for sure, he sent you to feed me.
My wounds will leave me, and I will know all
He has me a house, a mansion you see.

God not only sent you to help me,
He sent me here to find you.
Search your heart and make some room
For love is knocking anew

No! stop Walt, it's not about me,
I hurt you and ask your reprieve.
Can I do anything to make it right?
Don't try to save me, I don't believe.

Too late, grit man, love is knocking,
And you need to open the door.
Some day we will see our mansions,
And then decide who was the poorer.

© J Franklin