

Fuck You All
In a family where dysfunction thrives, I stand,
Amongst broken bonds, in this dark, cruel land.
Her scornful gaze, her judgments vile,
"Fuck you all," I whisper with a small smile.

She, my aunt, with her fat-shaming tongue,
Can't accept my being, where I belong.
Her words like knives, they cut so deep,
"Fuck you all," my secrets, I keep.

Him, my father, so cruel and unkind,
With fists of anger, a twisted mind.
He breaks my spirit, a relentless fall,
"Fuck you all," as im still standing tall.

Her, my mother, in silent despair,
She watches the chaos, pretends not to care.
A bystander to this tormenting brawl,
"Fuck you all," as I begin to build walls.

Him, my brother, with burdens to bear,
Dumps his chores and problems, all is unfair.
I carry the weight, stand strong and tall,
"Fuck you all," as I break down and fall.
© Nox ♡