

what's with us waring on lands that's foreign with missiles and granades
while on our own Homeland we are at
war with ourselves guns drugs and AIDS
It's little to no fun for the kids who parents depends on government aid
so they Puff smoke, as the gunsmoke
blocks the sun is shade
before the sun rises another mother and father loses a son to raise
and what's with the wild gun firing, down by police sirens
damn shame how our taxpayer dollars it's been spent on writing tickets to drivers
while giving less effort to stop the violence
why is it a maybe or a I might make it home with my life
if only I make a complete stop at this light before making this right
why trying to avoid the crosshairs scope sights
of the local and state blue lights
I suppose
there's nothing deeper than soul
deeper than see like River it flows
no one knows why the sun glows like it glows
oh why every Hood
got 10 corner stores selling liquor and 50 cent Joe's to the
who was taught to unload and reload before learning to improve his test scores
not tell me that's not deeper than soul
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