

I'm emotional & I know it.
Small things tear me apart,
whether it's not just a reply back
or not a return call from my dear ones.
I laugh my heart out and
cry my doors closed .
I overthink and cause problems
Though just in my head
yet you can read it from my face.
Yeah I become extra caring
not always but often
They thus take it as a joke
ohhh see she is again angry
she's so selfish
can't even control the fury .
She seems grumpy
Look she's being rude ,
I won't talk to her
she overreact again and again.
There not any of my mistake
she is the one who'd get the blame
being moody time and again
She just want to snatch all the fame
oft Emotional and then weeping
This is just her mind games.
Not even my near and dear ones
understood my real pain
so I thought to pen.

© Mishraiin