

English Teacher
She sat staring out the window when I first met her. She answered some simple questions but you could tell her thoughts were labored. She paused during my inquiry and stated

I use to be accompanied by many words.

The more complicated history of her life had to be answered by her loving care giver daughter who was always by her side. Stated her momma was a retired English teacher of 40 years. She talked poignantly about growing up with a English teacher for a Mom. She stated her childhood was

Accompanied by many words.

On one of our monthly visits in a moment of clarity she talked about how fresh out of NYU after completing her master's she had tried her hand at Broadway. She landed the role of "showgirl" in a production of "guys and dolls". Had Hollywood scouting her but she fell in love and got pregnant. Turned out he was not as in love and vanished. So she came home to Texas. But she was never alone.

She was accompanied with baby love and by many words

Her daughter filled in some gaps that after 10 years of raising her and teaching in her first love she had settled in to momhood and rekindled her love for Frost, Wordsworth, and Elliot. She memorized whole books of these her literary Trinity. But was now barely able to recognize lines when read to her but when she does it leaves a smile filled with memories

And accompanied with many words.

© cmrios