

Sunflower in heaven ✨
In the realm of celestial light,
Where angels dance and stars ignite,
There blooms a flower, pure and bright,
A sunflower in heaven's sight.

Its petals, golden like the sun,
Radiate warmth to everyone,
A beacon of hope, never undone,
A symbol of love, forever won.

Amidst the clouds, it stands so tall,
A testament to life's grand call,
Its roots anchored deep, never to fall,
A reminder that beauty conquers all.

In heaven's garden, it finds its place,
A masterpiece of divine grace,
Its gentle sway, a gentle embrace,
A solace for souls in need of solace.

For those who gaze upon its face,
A moment of peace, a state of grace,
A glimpse of heaven's eternal space,
A sunflower's love, forever encased.

So let us cherish this heavenly bloom,
A symbol of light, dispelling gloom,
A reminder that even in the darkest room,
A sunflower in heaven will always bloom.
#sunflower #godness #heaven #eternallove #light