

...MY WISH....
I have a word
of things that happened in my world
I wanted to say it but, it seems I'm not good in saying my words
I looked and searched for something that could probably help with my wordings but, couldn't find

I thought and thought but, it seems the more I think the less I know
I tried writing but it seems my mind was probably on a break.
then suddenly, I saw this fairy
she looked like something I have fairly seen in my dream
she was fairly, a fair fairy

she looked down at me and smiled the most remarkable smile I could fairfully remark on
she understood my plight and Odyssey
she gave me a magical pen but, what I wanted wasn't really a pen, I needed a miracle
she told me to ask for just one wish, something I could really wish for

....and here you have it, my wish have been granted, my words have been granted
it surely and infact is the words you read....my wish
not a thousand words but something from my heart.....

......I'm Godswill Joseph
© @godswilljay