

What if I don't want to be a butterfly?
Just before the caterpillar turns into a butterfly,
Each day, the tears are cheered to the life it lived
As the moment gets closer when it transforms
It's only joy, that flows from it's eyes.

We think the pain has forgone
with the new phase of life
It's just the facade of numb eyes
with the smile on its lips.

Maybe the caterpillar was happy being a caterpillar
And never wished to be a butterfly
But was it given a choice to live the life it loved
Stuck in the moments of past, too afraid to fly.
@Rreena Sharma

PS : Just like I am stuck with memories of Dad and wish to have him back.
I empty my tears days before any occasion is about to arrive so that I don't dampen the ambience of the happy events with my cries and sadness and my yearning for his presence.
With time I have to accept this transformation and honour the life he gifted me with.
© Rreena Sharma