

The Broken Pieces Of me
I was broken into pieces and scattered away,
Never to be gathered and fixed again,
By the very person who was suppose to mend me.
I was left in despire and frustration,
By the very people who were suppose to give me hope and inspiration.
I felt my world crumble just before me,
Blinding my sight and leaving me no path.
Making me crawl back into my shell,
Igniting nothing but pain and weakness.
Pains that render's me useless to my very self.

I felt the world coming down on me like an erupt volcano,
With it's heat melting away my dreams and ambitions,
Creating fear and panic into my soul,
Rendering it restless and helpless,
Without a shoulder to lean on.
Then I heard a voice urging me on,
Urging me not to give up on myself.

Urging me to bring back life to my soul,
To gather my pieces that have been scattered ashore,
And not give up on myself.
Not to give in to fear and timidity,
Not to give in to the cruelties of life,
But rather gather myself up and stand strong.

To give voice to the voiceless who I was once like,
To create a whole new world of strength and courage for the dejected,
To be the sunshine for those whose hearts are in darkness,
To be a ray of hope for the discouraged,
And guide to their paths.
For if there is any person to love me,
That will be my very self,
And this is the mystery we are yet to understand.


© Henrietta Otu