

Man of God
" I am a man of the one and only holy God, I am of the one father, I am of the one creator, I am a Son of God, I am David, I am God's Champion, I am of the blood of one God, I am of God's Country, I am of God's Land's, I am part of all God's plan's, I am of the chosen children of God, as Poets, and visionarys, warrior's in Christ, crusading for all, I am of the Savior's of this land, united we stand, warrior's of the spiritual world, residents of this earth, our physical world, I am of one, with my brothers and sisters, as we rise, we fight, we pray, we write, together we stand, Saving Earth and the Human race is our plan, only together can we complete God's plan, I am unto the end of all, I am a man of God "
© David J. Davis