

A Woman of Remark
Her eyes gleamed with the light 
Of her inner strength,
She had walked miles,
Not worried about the length,

She had faced,
Storms and thorns,
But never lost her faith,

She had risen,
From the ashes,
Like a phoenix in its grace,

She had learned to bend,
Not break,
To adapt, not to resist,

She had found,
Her voice and vision,
She was a force to be reckoned with,

She had overcome,
The hurdles,
That life had thrown her way,

She had grown,
Wiser and stronger,
With every passing day,

She had discovered,
Her purpose,
Her passion,

Her spark,
Had lit up the world around her,
She was a woman of remark.

© Catherine S. Pariño. 2023. All Rights Reserved