

A Child's Journey: Foster Care
In a world of shadows and shattered dreams,
A child walks a path filled with silent screams.
Through the veil of uncertainty and despair,
In the foster care system, they learn to bear.

Their innocence, like fragile petals, torn,
As they navigate a world so worn.
Yearning for love, acceptance, and embrace,
They seek solace in an unfamiliar place.

Each new home a chapter, an uncertain test,
Some kind souls provide a momentary nest.
While others may fail to understand their plight,
Leaving scars that deepen with the passing night.

They carry resilience like a flickering flame,
Braving the storms, not letting go of hope's aim.
Though tears may stain their cheeks, they rise anew,
Determined to create a future, strong and true.

In the cracks of a broken system, they find light,
Forging strength from the darkest hours of night.
For every setback endured, they learn to strive,
Knowing their worth and the love they deserve.

Through the struggles and the challenges they face,
Their spirit holds on, with unwavering grace.
And when the day comes to find a place to call home,
Their hearts will bloom, no longer left to roam.

May we stand as allies, lending an empathetic ear,
To ensure these children find love, support, and cheer.
For within their hearts lies boundless potential and might,
Let us be the beacon that guides them to the light.

© Quite Winter