

I have a soul
full of sunshine
ready to take on
whatever God has in mind
sharing my sunshine
getting my strength from
angels in the back ground
blinding me with guiding lights
every time I made a choice
the devil put up a mighty fight
sometimes I'd win
sometimes id lose
so much blood
scraped and bruised
doing all I can in life
so my cup can runneth
looking at the glass empty
tired of being punished
my soul is lined
with protection and love
I can't be blind
I'm good enough
I'm rough and tough
I've been through stuff
as you have too
so walk this earth
smiling all day through
that sunshine
beaming across you
will surely awaken
and life no longer forsaken
my heart has been shaken
I've got sunshine
On every cloudy day

@msdisciple 6/26/20
© Heather Miller