

I feel sad anytime I remember my junior secondary school days
when I was into writing, but I stopped
because I was the only one who had a passion for it.

Those days, in my classroom, there was always inspiration
My friends sometimes joined because we both shared the same chairs and table
I quit then because there was inspiration but no one to inspire me.

Those times, I had no one to mingle with
All my friends, dealing with chemicals is what it's in their skulls
Because I was still young and novice, I retreated from writing.

Had I known that I still had more to do with writing,
I would have given it my best then,
and I would have been more deep in literature than this.

Gosh, I made a terrible mistake.
Quitting then, now I can feel the pain.
Had I known, I would have buckled up rather than given up.

Though then I did write short and very interesting fiction,
it was also part of literature,
as a novice then, I quit.
Now I have to start again as a poet.

© Sulaimon Khalid Everlasting Ink