

The Apartment
As if it happened yesterday,
She can hear the doorbell ring.
Decades ago, her grandpa and the folks walked in
With a grace just like a king.

As if it happened yesterday,
She can see them bring everything in.
A melange of furniture and crockery
That belongs to all of her kin.

As if it happened yesterday,
She can behold her grandpa place every stool
In the living room where she spent hours with him
When she stayed with him, when she was off school.

As if it happened yesterday,
She can imagine her dad buying the first piece of furniture – a bed.
Using it over the years, he put it in this ‘museum’ at this point,
His precious treasure he bought from his own bread.

As if it happened yesterday,
She can picture her uncle put up his posters.
The ads of ‘classy quality’ bikes and cars
And ‘cakes delicious’, that his cupboard still fosters.

As if it happened yesterday,
She can vision her grandma getting those ancient bowls
And her grandpa getting the table in the living room.
She recounts to me their memories: they both absolutely were goals!

As if it happened yesterday,
She can feel a memory in each and every thing,
Be it in the set of plates, be it in grandma’s only saucer,
Be it by any of the gates or be it in the swing.
Oh, how she wishes, if only
These four walls could talk!
If only they could narrate the memories
Of what her kin did when off the clock!
And me, I stare into nothingness
As I get lost in her reverie’s relish.
My deepest desire says, “If only,
These memories, with her, could I cherish!”
© Saurav Dandekar