

Long Live the Queen
Long live the Queen,
The most gorgeous you have seen.
With emerald eyes, porcelain skin,
And a wide, pearly grin;
She is the ruler of this land.

No man, no woman, nor child,
Dares cross her path,
For fear of her horrible wrath.
A false façade, a welcoming mask,
"Join me for a meal, " kindly asks.

But turn your back,
And the monster attacks.
You know her aim is true
When her cold knife passes through you.
Countless go missing from the wicked mistress.

Manipulating words make her our bloody Queen.
Lands once green,
No longer produce;
Another side of humanity is let loose,
But tight lips hide the truth.

Finally, eyes begin to open.
The people turn to the castle.
For the satisfied Queen, food is no hassle.

Chants of the dying rise up in wells.
"March, march, march.
Against the absolute.
March, march, march.
Her withheld riches, we must loot."

Out the window looks the confident Queen,
At her soldiers in armor that gleams.
Down they bow,
Explaining how ...