

My Worth Is My Earth
The world has been to sad,
It cannot bear whatever i did from time to time,
It is my fault as i cannot blame my friends and what shall be the cause,
When the wind blew i though sadness did fade but it bloomed,
Why did the dandelions had that good thing while i was sad from the bottom lane,
Where is the earth going at this rate maybe doom is near since we all are late,
Turn to friendship while the opportunity to stay on earth shall be a mere blessing,
I coughed some salt water while taking dive in that deep shallow waters,
Let my heart stop and come back alive as these are the things that cannot stop me from getting what's mine,
I achieved victory from time to time cause that is the only thing that makes me feel alive,
Where are my friends who needed me and my time,
All were lost and love was also not quite right,
Betrayal always stabbed you when things were nice,
The cold blanket of spangled star above the crust of earth was so fine,
It had me doing some crazy things in my prime,
I wanted to be a astronaut but time was only playing while i was on a march of some other crime,
The earth had me undeserving why did i felt like i am faking,
Burn me after my death maybe these ashes will turn gray and mud for soil to understand my deep grief,
Braver i get the stronger my vows meant,
There are things that you shouldn't behave,
Because time was only wasted and my worth was still the same,
When did it all started since born my fate was too awesome,
Maybe the thought of me is haunting,
Why the turns in my life were so nasty,
Some were twisted some were too smooth to gain some sense in my asking,
Maybe that is the world i should live in,
Guess the mars is not ready while the moon was steady the world is beholder of all this tragedy,
I felt bad for the person named earth maybe he is the gift of magi,
I chopped my hair for the comb while it eroded soil to keep the grave warm,
Thank you dear earth that was nonsense in roundabout,
I sould have cared for you while a little long,
Now you have me and my soul so don't worry in being who you are nothings wrong.

© Shafi