

3:00 am
Been busy to prepare to put up atleast a fight..
a head full of dizzy thoughts is more lethal than you think it might!
Time ditched me before so I am doing overtime to fullfil the void..
It sucks when people think you have changed and just trying to avoid..
I can hear the echoes in my head searching for location at late night like the bats!
It's like they are spreading covid that makes me 'social distancing' with everyone to tally all the previous stats..
Maybe it's corona or corona radiata to prevent entry of others inside my space..
Coroner gave the verdict after examining my carcass but could not say it to my family's face..
The outer kraken is still alive but the inner side it's been cracking till date..
The sea is too deep like Mariana trench luring me to inhale marijuana and format everything by doing a hard reset!
I am maybe a 6 trying to flip it to 9..
While standing on my own feet waving the 'fuck you' sign!
Maybe I am a 'missionary' cause I like to do things from front side..
What you will do while standing at the end of the road, won't you take time to decide?
My friend circle is smaller than the hole that I can fuck..
Comparison with ur-anus ( urenus!)it's like the rings around saturn that overshadowed my luck!
still I will better be a Titan like atlas carrying my own earth all alone..
Remember titanic, there was no ' rose' for jack, you can call me a jackoff still I am being real, not a damn clone!!


© Soumyadip