

I awoke to a barren field
Of dead seed and salted earth
Nothing will grow again
I went out from that place
To find blood in the sand
I came across the remains of a battle long ago
Warriors whose stories ended long before
Seeking solace I went to the ocean
And the tide swept in
To recover the ground it gave up
When the tide went out
I went to the mountains
To put my feet on solid ground
A bitter cold swept in
I found myself lost within the clouds
Lost but calm, nothing I could see
Nothing I could grasp
I seek not clarity
I journeyed to the desert
A scorching heat, a paradox from where I came
The sun beat down upon everything in sight
A perfect place to die
But no peace for me and my kind
I ventured north to a desert of a different kind
The opposite where snow is deep
And ice sheets lay
Over a freezing body of water
There is a small time for daylight
To restart the cycle of the day
Some might call us nomads
Some might call us insane
But we know this world, this life
Everything will pass away
No peace by human hands
Without destroying the other man
No satisfaction from earth could match
What I seek
True and foundational peace
Everything without is meaningless and will cease
We’ve all been deceived
The truth has been twisted
To become subjective
So go about your journey
But I won’t stop the pursuit
I will love with open arms
That means conviction in truth
© MattDyver