

I Only have One Question... Do I Do Anything Right?
Sometimes I just sit and think, "how in the world did I get this far in life and not get at least one thing right?"

I walk through each room in my now downsized house and reflect back to when that's all I needed was space.

A room for all those little ones. It was never any problem for one or two to share, but oh goodness you could never have three. the Two oldest had to have their own space.

As I walk my small little space I remember when every inch of space was taken with something that they would bring home to me.

Now that I'm older and they are off taking care of their own lives and families, I can't help but wonder, "do they even remember me or the things I would do for them"?

Then I sit alone in what is now a lonely home wondering if I did anything right? I never thought to myself that I would be alone for the rest of my life, after my babies all took flight.

I often wonder if they knew how sad I get, how many times I cry, or how many times I pace this room that I call my house wonder why the only things I ever thought I did right, never think of me at all and do not care to call or stop by for a visit.

I hope she pray that things will change and one day they will remember the woman that uses to be called "mom". I pray they do it before it's too late.

There is no worse regret than wondering, if you have ever done anything right at all, for your children, ever in their life.

© Rhonda Broker