

Author's note: This is from the perspective of me listening to the adults in my life verbally fight amongst each other.
I'm looking through the car window.
Images fly past my eyes.
All of it zooming so fast.
In the distance is a dark, cloudy sky.

The trees sway in the shadows.
I can hear the winds toss and blow.
The moon follows us as we move.
It's right there by the window.

They're yelling back and forth.
Headphones over my ears.
The music drowns out their voices.
It's the same routine over the years.

Everywhere I go, they make time to fight.
I just sit and stare.
I try not to listen.
Only pretending I'm not there.

It's just a big mixed up mess.
They instruct me to tell no one.
All the secrets weigh me down.
I see myself outside the window.

© urbanbearink