

I remember when i was still young
I was that lovely and cheerful girl everyone admired
A girl who never knew the meaning of heartbreak
A girl who knew pain was only caused when you fall or hit yourself

I remember when I was young
I never knew that grown up,
people also cry
I knew only kids were the only,
ones who cry when mama,
failed to bring them sweets

I remember When I was still young
I used to hate staying indoors,
All i wanted was to hang out with my friends
I used to understand what family love meant
I used to build sand castles with my friends hoping it will remain forever
Forever had a meaning back then

I remember when i was still young
I was always scared of monsters
The thought of having them living under my bed frightened me
I used to hide under my blanket,the lights were always on

But look at me now,I'm already grown up
I'm no longer that lovely and cheerful
I now understand how it feels to be heart broken
Pain now is just part of me

Crying has now become my daily meal,every night soaking my sheets and pillow
I now hate going out with people
I always lock myself in that lonely room all the day
Forever has no meaning when i realised it can also be severed with

The monsters i was always scared of,are now part of me
The grew up with me,
They are no longer under my bed but in my head now
They are hurting me,i can't even hide under my blanket
I wish i can still be young

©️Mum's Dota
Bleeding heart❣️