

In a world filled with fleeting ties,
There's a bond that never dies.
Sister love, pure and true,
An eternal flame that shines through.

Through laughter and tears, she's always there,
A loyal friend who truly cares.
Her embrace, a comforting space,
A sanctuary in life's relentless race.

Through the seasons, she remains,
A beacon of light that never wanes.
Her love, like a gentle breeze,
Bringing solace and inner peace.

In times of triumph or despair,
Her unwavering support is always there.
With words of wisdom, she'll guide your way,
Through the darkest nights to the brightest day.

Her presence, a shelter from life's storm,
A love that's genuine, steadfast, and warm.
In her arms, you find solace and rest,
A sanctuary where your soul feels blessed.

Sister love, a treasure untold,
A bond that's worth more than gold.
In this world, ever-changing and vast,
Her love is the anchor that will always last.

So cherish the sister, by your side,
For she's a gift you cannot hide.
Her true love, a beacon so bright,
Guiding you through both day and night.

In conclusion, sister love is divine,
A force that transcends space and time.
She's not just family, but a loyal friend,
A love that will endure till the very end.
© Saheba Parveen Parkash