

Metaphors v Similes
Dwelling in antelope's territory,
My leprechaunic physique's but a mystery,
Scanning through my family tree,
Clearly, I'm of a different species.
Wonder why folks adore lies,
Yet, abhor the truth?😤

Because similes bring 'em smiles
While metaphors retain rues,
As heart's lava erupts,
Melting up the cool-headed-
Like adding fire to ice cream,
Like Tyson versus Hollyfield:
Two friends gone fairweather
As boxing brothers of Mayweather.💪

Indeed, life's a football match!
Fighting till the final whistle.
Surely, winner takes all,
Trophies, money and sponse calls
Loser weeps, grass-crawls,
Seeking lost pride through rematch
Like the Roman Empire's Great Fall
Alas! I, the 'MC-on-ink', ponder...
Not life all about the 'compère'?🤔
© Capt_Iyke Art 2020.
